Land Investor Accelerator Group Coaching Program


This is your fast track to financial freedom and a better life through land investing.

*Enrollment is currently capped at 15 new member per month*

We’ve Engineered Your Land Investing Success

2x Weekly Group Coaching

10x Monthly Group Coaching

For those that are looking to scale a large land investing empire, courses will only get you so far. Our 10x monthly coaching sessions will allow you to fast-track your land flipping results.

Lifetime Access To The LIA Program

Lifetime Access To The LIA Program

Get lifetime access to our “living, breathing, and ever evolving” flagship course, The LIA Program. This is the only course to house our infamous LIA Land Investing Playbook. The same playbook that’s changed hundreds of lives.

Lifetime Access To Our SOP “Vault”

Get lifetime access to all of our land investing SOPs & frameworks.. These SOPs leave nothing to chance covering all things operations, acquisitions, and dispositions.

Joint Venture Deal Funding

Joint Venture Deal Funding

Your capital should only go towards education, operations, and marketing. That’s why we’ve removed the deal funding obstacle by providing best in class JV deal funding for all of your deals.

Deal Reviews & Market Reviews

Stuck second guessing your deals and markets? Get a second pair of eyes to review your markets & deals before “pulling the trigger.

1-1 Coaching Inside Discord

The land biz is dynamic and new problems tend to arise day after day. Get immediate support by the LIA Coaches for all of your questions inside our private LIA Discord.

Access To Guest Speaker Trainings

The truth is, there are many ways to get rich in the land business. We bring in outside experts to share their knowledge and nuanced approach to flipping raw land.

Discounts On All The Tools You Need

Save thousands of dollars annually by getting access to the full suite of LIA discounts on all the tools you need.

Community of 6 & 7 Figure Land Investors

Community of 6 & 7 Figure Land Investors

They say your network is your net worth. Getting in the right rooms is truly half the battle. We’ve curated a group of ultra talented 6 & 7 figure land investors inside the LIA Community. Frankly, there is no land community stronger than LIA.

Our 6 Figure LIA Guarantee

6 figures in gross pipeline profit in 12 months

Or we will work with you until you get there.

That’s the guarantee we provide inside the LIA GC Program.

Now in full candor, we do have “rules for the road” that must be followed by every member to qualify for such a BOLD guarantee.

Truth is, we have an unbelievable level of confidence in the LIA Playbook based on the hundreds of case studies we’ve helped to create…

But that doesn’t negate the fact that you are going to need to work like heck to achieve the massive success you are after. 

That’s why we provide a clean & clear checklist for all members to follow to ensure they remain eligible for our guarantee. 

This relates to two important areas in your journey…

  1. A clean & clear checklist for your education inside of LIA 
  2. A clean & clear checklist for the operations within your own land business
- Sumner Healey
LIA Head Coach
 The reason that I ended up joining the LIA program and community was that I wanted to level up my business from a 6 figure business to a 7 figure business  Colton B

Proof is in The Pudding...

After all fees were paid, my net was $32,500
Mike Lopez
Bought a deal for $19,000 and sold for $56,000, leaving a net profit of $25,000
David Racz
$11,000 in Acquisitions, Sold at $100,000 and a net profit of $78,000.

Accepted offers on two deals for a Net Profit of $34,000

Tom LeBlanc

In the last 30 days I’ve locked up 3 properties. Totaling to $100,000 in Pipeline Profit

Kyle Martin

7 Deals sold this month, $71,000 in top line Revenue, $63,000 in Gross Profit

Max Horenstein

Feeling very grateful to be a part of this community. I’m most appreciative of the “give more than take” culture

Josh Pierce

$55,000 Net this month, which brings the total close to $200,000 Net since January 1st

Jesse Evans

I have more deals than I know what to do with

Nick W

A $21,500 Gross Profit deal in less than 14 days

Cole Sundem

This will be 3 of the last 4 months making $50k or more

Mike Horan

$71k should hit my bank account as I’m flying out to Mexico

Anthony Reiss

Base hits but they add up

Kevin McCormack

Accepted an offer… Buy for $47k sell for $100k

Ben G

Being conservative on these sales, looking at $280k in pipeline profit. LIA is second to none!

Michael Hopkins

Gross Profit: $217k before broker. Not too bad…

Vernon Henry

Buy for $150k + $1,300 to brush hog and $150 for a drone photographer. Yesterday accepted a full price offer of $260k after 3 days on market

Mark Shetka

About $285k – $290k in total profit expected after all expenses. Sumner and Coaches – My family and I thank you!

Mike Yanahan

3 deals under contract. Expecting about $80k – $85k profit on them. Y’all are inspiring. Love this group

Jon Stark

Definitely on track to hit my half a million dollar goal by the end of 2024!

Mike Lopez

My first six figure month!!

Alec Marquette

Take a Peek Inside LIA…

Why Land Investing?
How We Add Value and Get Paid as Land Investors

This module covers the mechanics of land investing. How do we add value and why is there an opportunity here? Core components are buying low by going direct to seller, inefficiencies in comping properties, profile of land owners (rarely use the land, out of state, etc), lack of bank financing for land/owner financing, adding value through marketing, and adding value from minor improvements ex:minor land subdivides, brush clearing, road development, etc.

Watch the First Module for FREE
Play Video
Different land subtypes
Different Land Subtypes
Different Land Investing Business Models
Different Land Investing Business Models
The 4 Step Land Investing Framework
The 4 Step Land Investing Framework
Emulating My Business
Emulating My Business
Sharpening The Axe
Get Your First Deal in 90 Days
Land Investing Tools & Software
LIA KPI Tracking Setup
Effort Expectations Inside LIA
Market Selection
Selecting Your Market
Selecting Your Market
Going a Mile Deep, Not a Mile Wide
Land Use & HOA’s
Land Use & HOA’s
Tools of the Trade
Tools of The Trade
Finding A Market Together
Finding A Market Together
Market Monday’s + Keeping Track of Your Findings
Market Monday’s + Keeping Track of Your Findings
Google My Maps Pricing Method
Reviewing Monthly Sell Through Rate
How To Use “Under Contract” Filters
How To Use Property Control Center
Masterclass on Market Selection w/ Sumner Healey
How To Automate Your Market Selection
Masterclass on Market Selection w/ Rylan Loader
Data Aggregation
Tools of The Trade
Data Aggregation
Data Aggregation
What is Data Scrubbing?
How To Scrub Inside DataTree
How To Automate Your Data Scrubbing
The Economics Behind Data Scrubbing
Exporting Your DataTree Data
Systematizing Your Marketing
Becoming an Excel Ninja
Building Offers
Selecting Your Offer Type
Rules of The Road For Pricing
Getting Comps on Redfin
Getting Comps on Redfin
Getting Comps on Lands of America
Getting Comps From Search
Getting Comps From DataTree
Getting Comps From Zillow
Putting it all together
Using Rocket Print and Mail
Watch Me Build a Mailer in Real Time
Direct Mail Economics
Direct Mail Expectations & Lifecycle
Expectations For Mailing Results
Expectations For Mailing Results
Organizing Seller Leads
Organizing Seller Leads
Reviewing New Deals
Reviewing New Deals
Comping New Deals
Comping New Deals
Working With Sellers
Working With Sellers
Tips and Tricks For Making Deals Happen
Tips and Tricks For Making Deals Happen
Defining a Good Deal
Defining a Good Deal
What is Double Closing?
How To Pitch The Double Close
Double Close Do's & Don'ts
Closing Your Deal
Self Closing Your Deal
Performing Your Own Due Diligence
Finding a Freelance Title Abstractor
Acquisitions KPI Tracking + Template
Watch Sumner Comp Properties in Real Time
Getting Your Land Deals Funded
What To Do While You are Closing Your Property
What To Do While You are Closing Your Property
Should I Use a Realtor
Should I Use a Realtor?
Creating Listings That Sell
Creating Listings That Sell
Where to List Your Property
Where to List Your Property
Using a Flat Fee MLS Provider
Using a Flat Fee MLS Provider
Pricing To Be The Next Logical Sale
Pricing To Be The Next Logical Sale
Adding Owner Financing
Adding Owner Financing
How To Communicate With Buyers
How To Communicate With Buyers
Keeping Track of Buyers
Collecting Holding Deposit + Document Prep Fee
Collecting Holding Deposit + Document Prep Fee
Managing Owner Finance Notes​
Managing Owner Finance Notes
Collecting Social Proof​
Collecting Social Proof
To Use FB or To Not…​
To Use FB or To Not…
Repricing Strategy
Repricing Strategy
Using Drip Texting To Engage Buyer Leads
Building a Business
Building a Cash Machine
Building a Cash Machine
Acquisitions and Dispositions Sheet + KPI’s Sheet
Acquisitions and Dispositions Sheet + KPI’s Sheet
Hiring Overseas or US
Using a Call Center
How To Pay Your Team
Module 7 Freelancer contract template
Freelancer Contract Template
Building a World Class Sales Team
Managing Team Meetings
Managing Team Meetings
Choosing a CRM
Inside Pebble REI
Pebble x LIA Full Training w/ Sumner Healey
How To Setup Follow Up Boss
Using FUB Automations
How Sumner Uses Follow Up Boss
Watch Sumner Train His Acquisitions Manager
Hiring Overseas Acquisitions Managers w/ Clint Turner
Hiring & Team Building For a 7 Figure Land Business
Deal Funding Strategies
Parcel Funders
Fund & Grow
Using Cold Texting To Generate Seller Leads
How Cold Texting Works
When To Add Cold Texting
Setting Expectations
The Tools Needed
Using Trello For Managing Texting Workflows
How To Find Success With Cold Texting
Systematizing The Process
Watch Us Prep a List in Realtime
Discounted Tools & Resources
Land Insights Platform (
Get Your Deals Funded
Get Access To Our Entire CRM Setup Inside Pebble
LLC Setup & 1 Hour Entity Structuring Call
Rocket Print and Mail (Direct Mail)
PatLive (Call Center)
DataTree (Property Data & Due Diligence Tool)
SignNow (Sending Contracts)
Brokerless (Flat Fee MLS)
Wise (Freelancers Payment Solution)
Launch Control (Cold Texting For Seller Leads)
Direct Skip (Skip Tracing)
Fund and Grow (Get Your Deals Funded with 0% Credit Cards)
Acquisitions SOP Library
New Acquisitions Lead Workflow
6 Month Seller Lead Workflow
Double Dial Strategy
How To Make Counter Offers
Seller Lead Due Diligence Workflow
New Seller Lead 14 Day Cadence
Land Due Diligence on
Double Close Wireframe
How to Comp Vacant Land on RedFin
Operations SOP Library
LIA Market Selection Process
New Listing Inventory Stages
Deal Funding Strategies
LIA Land Investing Assembly Line
Title Company Selection Wireframe
Exporting Data on DataTree
Landlocked Properties & Easement Guide
Maximizing Value Inside LIA
Percolation Test Guide
Setting up your Land Business Phone System
Dispositions SOP Library
Website Listing Framework
Bi-Monthly Dispositions Newsletter
Facebook Listing Framework
3rd Party Listing Framework
MLS Listing Framework
Repricing Inventory Workflow
Dispositions Lead Stages
Listed My Flip on the MLS... Now What?
Drone Photos Listing Framework
Attachments & Templates
Patlive Script, Application & Rates
KPIs Template
Acquisition & Disposition Tracking Template
Listing Examples
Disposition Listing Framework
Acquisition Sheet KPI Template
Blind Offer Letter Framework Template
Range Offer Template
Blind Offer Acquisitions Purchase Agreement
Single Page Double Close Purchase Agreement
Double Close Purchase Agreement (full POA)
Market Monday's Course Template
Sharpening The Axe - Land Investing Roadmap
Freelancer Templates Example Job Listing
Monthly Market Deliverable Template
Acquisitions Script
Acquisition Manager Hiring Template
Acquisition Manager Role Overview
First Day Seller Text & Email Template
LIA Deal Review Submission Template