Land Real Estate Business Consulting

Steal Our Entire 7 Figure Land Investing Marketing Blueprint

Learn how to 2x your lead flow, automate your marketing, beat competition, and scale revenue

There is a silent plague wreaking havoc through the land investing industry…

I call this plague the “data death spiral”…

Now, I am going to take a wild guess…

You, like everyone else, are most likely looking to scale your land business…

That’s most likely a given if you are reading this landing page.

Problem is…

Everyone only thinks about scaling their revenue by marketing to more land owners…

Let’s say you are making a cool $250k/year and currently you market to 50,000 individual land owners every year…

Classic land logic says to double revenue, let’s double the number of individual land owners we are marketing to.

Now in full candor…

This approach does work…

But what if I told you there was a better way?

A more profitable way?

A way which requires less data?

And ultimately a way that allows you to beat out your competitors?

Well this is exactly what we reveal within our LIA Marketing Blueprint Program.

We pull back the current and show you exactly how we are generating more leads & growing revenue by recycling the same ownership data…

At the core, our blueprint is focused on “list penetration”…

In layman’s terms, how can we extract the MOST value from every piece of ownership data that enters our business?

We do this by building a marketing flywheel..

A flywheel which allows us to … 

Now, I know what you are probably thinking…

Sumner, this sounds great and all, but I don’t know how to actually build this marketing flywheel?

That’s a fair question…

And frankly, this is not an easy feat to accomplish…

This isn’t something you’ll be able to setup tomorrow (or even the next day).

Heck… this information took me years to understand & actually put into practice…

But that’s exactly why we built this program.

To not only bring awareness to the “data death spiral”, but to also show you the EXACT steps and process you need to go through to not only survive, but thrive in this next chapter of your land business…

So without further ado, let me show you exactly how you can implement the LIA Marketing Blueprint into your business…

A Peek Behind the Curtain...